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Dr. Hyman is a physician specializing in “functional medicine.” I believe he represents the next step in patient care and good health. Blood sugar aside, this book is for ANYONE. It’s important to understand the insulin connection to health!
Of course, most any book today is available in Kindle format on Amazon. Even though I don’t own a Kindle device, I still order these and read them using the Kindle Cloud Reader—-on my iPad and on my computer itself. Such a deal!! And I love instant gratification….
Here is the latest offering from Dr. Hyman which complements his fantastic book.
Beautiful foods and ideas for good health from a fave doctor/author, Dr. Andrew Weil. I’m lucky enough to have one of his restaurants just up the road.
Following the author’s infamous “China Study,” which helped give rise to new thinking about nutritional science, this 2013 book became a New York Times bestseller. (Just take a look at what the accolades and reviews say, if nothing else.)
Stressed? Here’s a popular, effective workbook approach using a proven program of “mindfulness training.” Get out of that stress mindset right now!
Too stressed to read a book? How about this excellent audio CD approach, then? Life-changing stuff.
Feng shui is surprisingly fun and pretty darn fascinating. And this author makes it so much easier to understand and implement. On top of that, she’s really funny! If you are skeptical, trust me–it’s just not as crazy or woo-woo as it might sound. Get your house, your desk, your office, your car, etc., in order—using this very cool ancient system of energy and intention.
Deepak Chopra can’t seem to stop writing books. I am glad! (I’d like to know his secret for that prolific writing.) This is the newest, and it’s extremely helpful on many levels. Help your brain, your health, your emotions, your relationships….
Perfect for fellow desert dwellers! It is possible to grow gardens most anywhere!
I can’t seem to get enough of HGTV. That’s all I’m gonna say.
I love this book. Dr. Lipton is a likeable guy to start with, but he is simply a very good “teacher,” which makes this book particularly readable. It’s not an easy topic for many, but it’s an important one. (Talk about a paradigm shift from what we have been told was true for soooo long!) Here’s the Amazon description: This book is a groundbreaking work in the field of new biology, and it will forever change how you think about thinking…. It shows that genes and DNA do not control our biology, that instead DNA is controlled by signals from outside the cell, including the energetic messages emanating from our thoughts. Using simple language, illustrations, humor, and everyday examples, he demonstrates how the new science of Epigenetics is revolutionizing our understanding of the link between mind and matter….
Life altering, if not lifesaving, information …
To find out more about MAGNESIUM, this book will fill you in. I was blown away by the possibilities and increased understanding of what this humble mineral can do. The author is credible, and I recommend this highly.